Layla's Blog

Someone's On The Telephone For You

Tuesday, 21 July 2009

relish, mackerel and spoiled stomp thinking

its been raining.
we saw the day weave in, the night weave in, and again and again. we took chemicals that helped us dance for most of the time. subtle flavours that went barely noticed, bright eyes, wet hair and rumbling bellies. friends from before and friends no more. air waves freedom and smiles. canvas mats on which we sat to talk and talk... talk crap i guess but whatever. overcast, overslept and over and out. maybe a biscuit will help? i had big eyes, i didnt care. big mouth analysed, healthy doses. in silence i can hear my blood flow, the thud of bass, yes hello. DIRECTION. awkward. back here to a withered plant and a grey sky. bass replaced with a working printer, running water cut off. mackerel so tasty. NUTRITIOn. more to life. apples. split ends.
i suppose we are all taking a turn. a brain u-turn. the future comes closer, we must make amends.
but a weekend in a field did it for me. for a few hours in between i felt free.

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