Layla's Blog

Someone's On The Telephone For You

Monday, 26 July 2010

johnny twilight

its been 9 years and 2 months since johnny left his mother in berlin. this journey is like no other. this journey will never end. 9 years, 5 countries. some people do 50 countries in 2 months. he hates those people. he takes others trekking in malaysia to earn his bread. this makes a daily budget of $13, he can show a girl how to live on $5 a day. And its all or nothing for Johnny. He does everything in blocks of 30 days, months at a time of torture or pleasure. Pub street in siem reap, 30 days of beer swigging and triple cheese pizza. checks out the birds, head bangs to pearl jam. then 30 days of isolated island, not speaking to a soul. eating 3 noodle soups per day, rising at 5, sleeping at 6. the countryside bores this city soul, but there he will stay for the prescribed time scale, to prove something. he likes to watch the western girls in their bikinis. he thinks he's more animated after 4 cans. i think not. johnny can never return, i feel he's done something bad. he calls his parents every 6 months, fearing the worst every time. they are getting old. it is the ultimate limbo stage, no where really to remain. he has gone a bit crazy with all this time away. it feels like its still 2000. 'hey old man take a look at my life... im alot like you...'

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