Layla's Blog

Someone's On The Telephone For You

Friday, 12 December 2008

Violent hybrid sceptical seamless emotions – the end of a day.

You were towering and bold. You clouded the scented light with your overwhelming presence, and the wind blew the trash around, trash and leaves all dancing carelessly. The magic was visible that day on the landscapes where the sun was shyly hiding, and at the top you could see for miles. This is how a bird must feel, or does it even? I noticed the others reaching their destination, feeling fulfilled and then wondering what next. I suppose we’d better head back down and get on with it. Injesting the warming fluids enhanced happiness and laughter amongst us, and it all felt good. Ice had cracked and small pools lay bare, rocks open to the sky, receiving. The sun disappeared and left behind trails of gold. It lingered for longer than I’d imagined, and it was grateful, proud, like it wanted to hang around for everyone to take notice. The air was sharp and heavy, containing us protectively as we journeyed on. We journey for food, for adventure, for fun.

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