Layla's Blog

Someone's On The Telephone For You

Wednesday, 23 December 2009

this one's almost done

this one's almost done, and what do we know? free food, free heat. plan of attack. text message and a present, a roasted fish. cant sleep, cant eat. just slip and fall. at the heart of it all. at the centre of the storm. limited activities (watching fireworks/watching films/watching people live) and feeding feeding. it that all there is? NOOO

Monday, 21 December 2009

Tuesday, 15 December 2009

your notice served

is it starting to show?
bitter cold
a year or so,
a jibbering mess, tugging at sweater
twitching the eye, deepening creases
i couldnt believe you existed... but was strangely reminded of my junkie friend.. perhaps a distant relative. self proclaimed woman on her own, struggling. i listened to tales of your cleaning, your illness, your neighbour, the man you watched from your window, the many glasses of rose, your gagging, your dinner, you're upset, you're tired; woke up at 2am and couldnt sleep again. your weekend was bad, you wore 2 pairs of socks, you bought a new bed and some taps too. you invited me for dinner, we went for some drinks.. never worked out with us really. i moved away from the admin room, you told on me for wasting time.
stopped eating the snacks that made you fat, some new clothes and haircut ready for the new place. will it make you happy? people come and go, i have a feeling this memory will stick.

Wednesday, 9 December 2009

keep going

i gave them teeth. and a bread belly.

spaced and caked in useless words, eyelashes stuck together but laser beams bolted through. a robot machinist caged a pink soft form. he stuck a dead head onto my own.

i roamed around with this bloody head, unable to see. it had been chopped just for me.

so at last dragging chains up the hill, looking at bare branches and making up trails of line. no eyes without line. took off the head finally.

tis the season for glare headaches, for dehydration, for sugar and quitting. a bodily thinning rendered impossible. even the smell of it is pure lactose.

silly little one, what are you trying to do? just give up.

let them go.

they might come back.

each scene is etched in, with words and everything. i'll never forget, i've got alot.

old man opens a gate, young man walks in.

pink soft form grows softer but at least its thin. desert desert calling, space.

Wednesday, 2 December 2009

fresh from the head

overweight, blonde and bragging. inclined to eavesdrop, one cannot blame. first impressions count...until proven otherwise (delight). a friendly caste system, very PC, but i aint better- dont worry. 3pm dimming, resignation handed in. all done. he was right about the bike theory, the cycle ride vanishes once you get going, never divert. never did.

he used to try and kiss her on the lips when the night was done. imagine the shame of an MD. after a few of those, she avoided the situation. one time when she was one of the lads she got drunk and did something bad. now she's quit booze and no one knows why.

toy hedgehogs, plastic bags, heart sunglasses, nasal cannulas. a good little slave says yes and only yes.