Layla's Blog

Someone's On The Telephone For You

Tuesday, 25 November 2008

the original concept of this painting was 'lilac applied with a roller'. it then became a fun stop frame animation jobbie but really looked so hideous that it had to evolve further, bit too gharish(??) even though i never thought that would be a problem. more on this later once i find the new pics...

Friday, 21 November 2008

another floor/flaw

Layla didn't write this

half an hour to go................ butterflies.
torn telescope looks outside
ranging colour blinding
downwards go, looking to find...
twenty five minutes.
a sweat to cover the area
and a wretching to a freedom
i could stay inside
but what keeps me in line?
pupil marches toward darkness
a head space not yet filled
i got twenty minutes left
but i dont know where im going.

yellow and red
and the cold wind blows
you're being so controlled
not sure any one else knows